The Enjoyment of Digital Painting
( Digital Painting by Azmi - 2018 )
Topic :
Digital Painting
Title :
The Enjoyment of Digital Painting
Objectives :
Digital Painting
Title :
The Enjoyment of Digital Painting
Objectives :
1. To show more or present the sense of art from digital painting
2. To appreciate people or a moment in digital painting form
3. To invite another artist or viewers to improve their digital painting skill
Desired Outcomes :
Painting in physical form
Measurement of Success :
Since I usually make a portrait, so I would like to choose teenager around 17 until 25 years old in the big city as my target market. I have been watching their character for a long. Some teenager would not mind spending their money to give something or present for their beloved. They will be looking for a special present when it comes about their anniversary, graduation or birthday event. And a painting with their face as the subject is one of their favorites present. I also counted some Korean fans as my target because they really are loyal and love to buy or collecting some stuff of their idol.
( an example of photo framed )
( an example of photo framed )
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